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2014 Honorees
Robert A. Baron
author of "Enhancing Entrepreneurial Excellence: Tools Making the Possible Real"
Robert A. Baron holds the Spears Chair in Entrepreneurship at OSU. He is a leading scholar in cognitive and social factors in entrepreneurship, and has successfully bridged two distinct academic disciplines of psychology and entrepreneurship. Most recently, he held the Bruggeman Chair of Entrepreneurship at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...
Bruce Barringer
author of "Launching a Business: The First 100 Days"
Bruce Barringer is a professor and the N. Malone Mitchell, Jr. Chair at Oklahoma State University. He is also the head of the School of Entrepreneurship. Dr. Barringer's research interests are in the areas of feasibility analysis, business planning, and the business startup process...
Rick Bartholomew
author of "Design Process Hand Sketching for Interiors"
Rick Bartholomew is a Registered Oklahoma Interior Designer with 35 years of practicum experience in residential, commercial, and furniture design. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Science in Interior Design from Oklahoma State University...
Denise Blum
editor of "The Globalization and Corporatization of Education"
Denise Blum is an educational anthropologist. Her research interests focus on comparative education- examining education from a political economy approach to understand the effects of the political and economic on the structure of schooling and teacher and student identities...
Elkie Burnside
co-author and editor of "Essentials of Firefighting Curriculum Package" (6th Edition)
Essentials of Fire Fighting 6th Ed Curriculum is a collaborative effort of Elkie Burnside, Ph.D., Lead Instructional Developer, Beth Ann Fulgenzi, Instructional Developer, Andrea Haken, Instructional Developer, Lynn Hughes, Instructional Developer, Brad McLelland, Instructional Developer, Melissa Noakes, Instructional Developer, and Lori Raborg, Instructional Developer...
Kathryn Castle
co-author of "Early Childhood Curriculum: A Contructivist Perspective" (2nd Edition)
Dr. Kathryn Castle, Professor and Chuck & Kim Watson Endowed Chair in Education, is a faculty member and Graduate Coordinator in the School of Teaching & Curriculum Leadership in the College of Education. Dr. Castle has been at OSU since 1975...
Goutam Chakraborty
co-author of "Text Mining and Analysis: Practical Methods, Examples, and Case Studies Using SAS"
Dr. Goutam Chakraborty is the director of the graduate certificate in Business Data Mining and professor of marketing. Companies such as Aetna, Mercruiser, Thrifty Rent-A-Car, Berendsen Fluid Power, Globe Life Insurance, Vanguard Realtors, Hilti, Love's Travel Stops and others have used his consulting services...
Craig Davis
co-editor of "Wetland Techniques, Volumes 1-3"
Craig A. Davis is a professor in the Natural Resource Ecology and Management Department. Dr. Davis has been at OSU since 2001. He currently teaches several courses in the NREM Department including a wildlife research techniques course, wetland ecology and management course, wetland wildlife ecology, and advanced wetland ecology...
Dursun Delen
co-author of "Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support" (10th Edition)
Dr. Dursun Delen is the holder of William S. Spears and Neal Patterson Endowed Chairs in Business Analytics, Director of Research for the Center for Health Systems Innovation, and Professor of Management Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business at OSU...
Evelyn Ferchau
author of "Shawn: Years Three and Four"
Evelyn Ferchau has been in the habit of composing (mostly) rhyming poetry since she was six. As with her favorite artist, Norman Rockwell, she attempts to write about feelings in such a way that it will trigger a general cord of recognition in others...
Gene Halleck
editor of "English Composition Simulations"
Gene Halleck is a professor in the English Department. She is the director of the TESL and Linguistics Program, the International Composition Program and the International Teaching Assistant Program...
Katherine Hallemeier
author of "J.M. Coetzee and the Limits of Cosmopolitanism"
Katherine Hallemeier is assistant professor of postcolonial Anglophone literature in the English Department at Oklahoma State University. She has published articles on South African literature, the ethics of reading, and cosmopolitanism in journals such as Scrutiny2; Culture, Theory and Critique; Proteus; and in the edited collection Postcolonial Audiences...
Kelley Hartshorn
co-author of "Indigenous Adolescent Development: Psychological, Social, Historical Context"
Kelley J. Sittner Hartshorn is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. She received her Ph.D. in 2011 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln...
Rakesh Kaundal
co-author of "Alien Gene Transfer in Crop Plants: Innovations, Methods and Risk Assessment"
Dr. Rakesh Kaundal joined the Oklahoma State University faculty in early 2011 as a research scientist of bioinformatics in the National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity (NIMFFAB) and the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology...
Shelia Kennison
author of "Introduction to Language Development"
Shelia M. Kennison is a professor of Psychology at Oklahoma State University. After starting her career at OSU in 1999, she has a taught a variety of courses in psychology, including language development, statistics and research design...
Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege
chapter author of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) & Bone Metabolism, The Link Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Properties, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Efficacy" and four chapters on Pyridine, Penicillin, Thiabendazole and Sulfuryl Fluoride
Rangika S. Hikkaduwa Koralege is currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University. She holds a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry (2007) from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka...
Robert Larzelere
editor of "Authoritative Parenting: Synthesizing Nurturance and Discipline for Optimal Child Development"
Robert E. (Bob) Larzelere (Ph.D., Penn State, 1979) is the Endowed Professor of Parenting in Human Development and Family Science at Oklahoma State University...
Elizabeth Lohrman
author of "Best Bites"
Elizabeth Lohrman, registered and licensed dietitian, received her M.S. in Nutritional Sciences from Ohio University. Certified by the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision, she is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, SCAN, and the Oklahoma Eating DisorderAssociation...
Michael Long
co-author of "The Treadmill of Crime: Political Economy and Green Criminology"
Michael A. Long is an assistant professor of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on critical criminology, green criminology, ethical consumption and agro-food studies...
Jayson Lusk
author of "The Food Police: A Well-Fed Manifesto about the Politics of Your Plate"
Dr. Jayson Lusk currently serves as Regents Professor and Willard Sparks Endowed Chair in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Oklahoma State University and also serves as the Samuel Roberts Noble Distinguished Fellow at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs...
J.S. Maloy
author of "Democratic Statecraft: Political Realism and Popular Power"
J.S. Maloy is associate professor of political science at Oklahoma State University. His teaching and research range widely across the history of political thought, with special emphasis on democratic institutions and constitutional law...
Khaled Mansy
co-author of "Recommended Practice for Daylighting Buildings"
Dr. Mansy is a professor in the School of Architecture, College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Architecture, with honors, from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 2001...
Rose McLarney
author of "The Always Broken Plates of Mountains"
Rose McLarney's collection of poems, "Its Day Being Gone," is forthcoming from Penguin Books in 2014 and her book, "The Always Broken Plates of Mountains," was published by Four Way Books 2012. "Its Day Being Gone" is the 2013 National Poetry Series winner...
Leslie Miller
co-author of "Hazardous Materials Technician" (1st Edition)
Leslie A. Miller was born and raised in Stillwater, Okla., and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English with honors from Oklahoma State University...
Melanie Moffitt
author of "Ancient Origins"
MD Moffitt is an 18-year-old fiction writer at Oklahoma State University. She wrote her first book at the age of 15 but has been writing all her life...
Lynne Murnane
editor of "Essentials of Fire Fighting" (6th Edition)
Lynne Murnane got her first editorial experience 0working as an editorial assistant for U.S. News and World Report in Washington, D.C. After moving to Oklahoma, she worked for the State Department of Vo-Tech as a curriculum editor...
Melissa Noakes
co-author and editor of "Hazardous Materials Technician Curriculum"
Hazardous Materials Technician 1st Ed Curriculum is a collaborative effort of: Melissa Noakes, Lead Instructional Developer Brad McLelland, Instructional Developer David Schaap, Instructional Developer Emily Dye, Graduate Research Technician...
Ramesh Rao
co-author and editor of "Contemporary Financial Management"
Rao teaches and researches in the area of corporate financial management. He has taught corporate financial management at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels...
Theresa Rizzi
co-author of "Atlas of Canine and Feline Blood Smears"
Dr. Theresa Rizzi is a clinical associate professor in the Veterinary Pathobiology Department...
Louise Siddons
author of "Sharing a Journey: Building the Oklahoma State University Museum of Art Collection"
Louise Siddons is currently assistant professor of American, modern and contemporary art history in the Department of Art, Graphic Design and Art History at Oklahoma State University, and faculty curator of the OSU Museum of Art...
Betty Simkins
co-author and editor of "Energy Finance and Economics: Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy"
Betty J. Simkins, Ph.D., is Williams Companies Chair of Business and professor of finance at Oklahoma State University. Betty received her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University...
Elahi Syed
author of "Jerry Cleans Up His Act"
Elahi A. Syed was born in Bangladesh in 1966. He came to USA with his father Abdus Samad Syed in 1980...
Ginger Welch
author of "The Neglected Child: How to Recognize, Respond, and Prevent"
Ginger Welch, Ph.D., is a licensed child clinical/pediatric psychologist with a background in early childhood education and early intervention...