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Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege

chapter author of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) & Bone Metabolism, The Link Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Properties, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Efficacy" and four chapters on Pyridine, Penicillin, Thiabendazole and Sulfuryl Fluoride

February 4, 2014

Rangika S. Hikkaduwa Koralege is currently a doctoral candidate in the Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University. She holds a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry (2007) from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Rangika has co-authored three peer reviewed articles to date in international scientific journals and is also the co-author of six book chapters. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi national honor society. Her research interests are in nanotechnology and analytical chemistry including environmental effects of aqueous fullerene colloids.

The book chapter on Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Bone Metabolism in the book "Eicosapentaenoic Acid: Sources, Health Effects and Role in Disease Prevention" by Theodore G. Bradley and Francisco P. Vargas is a review that explores clinical and preclinical evidences related to the antidepressant effects of EPA and fish oil (DHA plus EPA). An overview of DHA and EPA effects on CNS function and ultimately the hypothesis of the central role of omega-3 PUFA on depression are also provided. The book chapter on The Link Between Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Properties, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Efficacy in the book "Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chemistry, Dietary Sources and Health Effects" by Wasim Khan is describing the pharmacological properties, mechanisms, and therapeutic efficacy of various omega-3 fatty acids as it relates to rheumatoid arthritis, as well as the importance of omega-6/omega-3 ratio balance to such disease.The four chapters on Penicillin, Pyridine, Thiabendazole and Sulfuryl Fluoride in the Encyclopedia of Toxicology 3rd edition are reviews of their general background, occurrence, uses, toxicokinetics, toxicity, environmental fate and behavior, clinical management, and exposure standards and guidelines for those chemicals.


Last Updated: 21 December 2015