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Betty Simkins

co-author and editor of "Energy Finance and Economics: Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy"

February 4, 2014

Betty J. Simkins, Ph.D., is Williams Companies Chair of Business and professor of finance at Oklahoma State University. Betty received her Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University. She has more than 50 publications in academic finance journals. She has won awards for her teaching, research and outreach, including the following top awards at OSU: Regents Distinguished Research Award, and Outreach Excellence Award. Her primary areas of research are risk management, energy finance and corporate governance. Betty serves on the editorial boards of nine academic journals including the Journal of Banking and Finance, is past co-editor of the Journal of Applied Finance and is past president of the Eastern Finance Association. She has published two books: "Energy Finance and Economics" and "Enterprise Risk Management." She is currently working on a new book, "Enterprise Risk Management: Case Studies for Executives, Risk Practitioners, and Educators," which will be published by Wiley in 2014. Prior to academia, she worked in the energy industry.

"Energy Finance and Economics" is written for both financial professionals and aspiring students. This reliable guide skillfully addresses the finance and economics of energy and covers the principles and tools necessary to conduct sound decision-making and analysis. It covers important topics such as: geopolitics and world energy markets, the myths and realities of sustainable energy, financial statement analysis for oil and gas companies, financing large energy projects, petroleum economics, energy derivatives and risk management, carbon management, and environmental issues. Rounding out this detailed discussion are six case studies about various aspects of energy finance and economics.


Last Updated: 21 December 2015