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Denise Blum

editor of "The Globalization and Corporatization of Education"

February 4, 2014

Denise Blum is an educational anthropologist. Her research interests focus on comparative education- examining education from a political economy approach to understand the effects of the political and economic on the structure of schooling and teacher and student identities. She is the co-editor of "Pedagogy of Pop: Theoretical and Practical Strategies for Success" (Lexington Books, 2012); and author of "Cuban Youth and Revolutionary Values: Educating the New Socialist Citizen" (The University of Texas Press, 2011).

The forces associated with globalization, whether economic or social, have conditioned the ways educators operate, and have profoundly altered people's experiences of both formal and informal education. Globalization, as a multidimensional, multilevel process, is unequivocally, but not exclusively, based on the economics of neoliberalism. This book chronicles new sites of tension in education that are a result of an ever-globalizing economy and its accompanying neoliberal practices in the United States, Costa Rica, and the US territories in the Caribbean. The contributions are grouped into two areas: institutionalized schooling practices and non-formal educational practices that focus on identities and language.


Last Updated: 12 January 2022