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2016 Honorees
Jorge Atiles
co-author of "The Modern Land-Grant University" and co-author of "Remaking Home Economics"
Dr. Jorge H. Atiles is a professor of housing and the associate dean for extension and engagement in the College of Human Sciences at Oklahoma State University. He leads Family and Consumer Sciences Extension programs to enhance OSU's capacity to address the most critical issues affecting Oklahomans...
Per Bylund
author of "Problem of Production: A New Theory of the Firm"
Per Bylund is Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise in the School of Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on issues in entrepreneurship, strategic management, and organizational economics – especially where they overlap and intersect with regulation and policy issues...
Bonnie Cain-Wood
chapter co-author of "The Modern Land-Grant University"
Bonnie loves sunshine, movies, all things frog, the color yellow & being a redhead. She maintains closes ties to her alma mater, Oklahoma State University, where she earned a B.S. in environmental science and a M.S. in mass communications...
Carlos Cordova
author of "Crimea and the Black Sea: An Environmental History"
Carlos Cordova is Professor of Geography at Oklahoma State University. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1997...
Stephen Cross
co-author of "Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual"
Dr. Cross is a professor in the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Oklahoma State University. His areas of expertise are design and construction of transportation facilities with a major emphasis on cold in-place pavement recycling, bituminous materials characterization, mixture design and characterization, pavement construction, and soil stabilization...
Damona Doye
co-author of "Oklahoma Beef Cattle Manual"
Damona Doye is a farm management Extension economist, Regents Professor and Rainbolt Chair of Agricultural Finance at Oklahoma State University. Research and Extension topics include farm information systems, rental rates, land values, cost of production and risk management...
Yongtao Du
author of "The Order of Places: Translocal Practices of the Huizhou Merchants in Late Imperial China"
Yongtao Du received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in 2006. He joined the history department of Oklahoma State in 2009, and is now teaching East Asian history...
Riley Dunlap
editor of "Climate Change and Society: Sociological Perspectives"
Riley E. Dunlap is Regents Professor and Laurence L. and Georgia Ina Dresser Professor in the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University, and previously served as Boeing Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sociology at Washington State University...
Martin Furr
author and editor of "Equine Neurology"
After graduating from Oklahoma State University with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1986, Dr. Furr practiced veterinary medicine at a clinic in Oklahoma and then completed a Residency in Internal Medicine at the Virginia Tech Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center in 1989...
Perry Gethner
editor of "Madame de Maintenon, Proverbes dramatiques" and "Challenges to Traditional Authority: Plays by French Women Authors, 1650-1700"
Perry Gethner's research area is in early modern French drama, including hybrid plays and opera libretti...
Toni Graham
author of "The Suicide Club"
Toni Graham is professor of English and has taught at OSU for 15 years...
Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege
co-author of the "Current Trends in Human Lipid Analyses" chapter in the book of "Advances in Chemistry Research, Volume 29"
Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. She earned a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Oklahoma State University in 2014 and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, in 2007...
W. Wyatt Hoback
author of "Insects and Society"
W. Wyatt Hoback is an assistant professor of Entomology in the entomology and Plant Pathology Department. He joined the faculty with a 100 percent teaching appointment during the summer of 2014 after 15 years in Nebraska...
James Huston
author of "The British Gentry, the Southern Planter, and the Northern Family Farmer: Agriculture and Sectional Antagonism in North America"
Born in Canton, Illinois, James Huston went to public schools, attended Denison University, and then earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in history at the University of Illinois in 1980. He has been at Oklahoma State University since graduating in 1980...
Farida Jalalzai
author of "Women Presidents of Latin America"
Farida Jalalzai is the Hannah Atkins Endowed Chair and associate professor of political science...
Subhash Kak
author of "The Wishing Tree"
Subhash Kak is Regents Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. He has made contributions to neural networks, information science and quantum theory...
John Kinder
author of "Paying with Their Bodies: American War and the Problem of the Disabled Veteran"
John M. Kinder is associate professor of history and American Studies at Oklahoma State University. He received his Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Minnesota in 2007, and he is the author of "Paying with Their Bodies: American War and the Problem of the Disabled Veteran," which was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2015...
David Lalman
co-author of "Oklahoma Beef Cattle Manual"
Dr. Lalman is currently a professor in the Animal Science Department at Oklahoma State University. His position is State Extension Beef Cattle Specialist with primary responsibilities in cow/calf and stocker cattle nutrition and management...
Lynn C. Lewis
editor of "Strategic Discourse: The Politics of (New) Literacy Crises"
Dr. Lewis is an associate professor of English in the Rhetoric and Professional Writing program at Oklahoma State University. She also serves as the Director of the First-Year Composition program. Her research focuses on digital, visual and new media rhetorics and writing studies pedagogies...
Bin Liang
editor of "The Death Penalty in China: Policy, Practice and Reform"
Bin Liang teaches at Oklahoma State University. He is the author of four books, "The Changing Chinese Legal System 1978 – Present: Centralization of Power and Rationalization of the Legal System" (2008) with Routledge, "China's Drug Practices and Policies: Regulating Controlled Substances in a Global Context" (2009, coauthored) with Ashgate, "Jurisprudence" (2012, co-edited, in Chinese) with Renmin University of China Press, and "The Death Penalty in China: Policy, Practice and Reform" (2016, co-edited) with Columbia University Press...
Ry Marcattilio-McCracken
author of Athletics, in "The Modern Land-Grant University"
Dr. Ry Marcattilio-McCracken has a PhD in American history and currently serves as Lecturer in the History Department at Oklahoma State University, where he teaches the American history survey as well as courses on the Gilded Age and American Thought and Culture...
Lara Maxwell
author of "Equine Pharmacology"
Dr. Maxwell earned both her DVM and PhD degrees from the University of Florida. Following a stint in small animal practice, she then entered a clinical pharmacology residency at UC-Davis and is now a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology...
John McGuire
editor of "The ESPN Effect: Exploring the Worldwide Leader in Sports"
John McGuire (Ph.D., University of Missouri) has focused his research efforts in the area of sports media, examining professional practices of multimedia sports journalists, image repair of sports figures, sports play-by-play narratives, and sports media network practices...
Timothy Murphy
translator of "Flower of the Desert: Giacomo Leopardi's Poetic Ontology"
Murphy is the author of "Wising Up the Marks: The Amodern William Burroughs" (1997) and "Antonio Negri: Modernity and the Multitude" (2012), as well as many essays on modern and contemporary literature, philosophy and culture; editor of "The Philosophy of Antonio Negri" (2 vols, 2005-2007); and translator of "Negri's Subversive Spinoza" (2004), "Books for Burning" (2005), "Trilogy of Resistance" (2011) and "Flower of the Desert" (2015). He served as general editor of the scholarly journal 'Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture' from 2000 to 2013...
Bradley Njaa
co-author of "Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals," 6th edition
Bradley Njaa is an anatomic pathologist based at OADDL here at the Stillwater campus focused on most aspects of diagnostic pathology in domestic animals. His interests are varied and include several body systems: the ear, the eye, respiratory, and reproductive systems...
David Oberhelman
co-author of "Digital Humanities and Libraries: Challenges & Opportunities for Subject Librarians"
David Oberhelman is the W. P. Wood Professor of Library Service at the Oklahoma State University Library and serves as the liaison librarian for the English, foreign languages, history, music, and theatre departments...
Francisco Ochoa Corona
co-author of "Detection and Diagnostics of Plant Pathogens"
Dr. Ochoa Corona's research contributes scientific input to regulatory plant health emergencies and forensic plant pathology to agriculture and water biosecurity in the U.S. and other regions of the world...
Tim Passmore
Editor and co-author of "Diversity: Connecting College to Life Readings and author of Diversity Connecting College to Life Textbook with contributions by Curtis Clemens"
Dr. Passmore is an Associate Professor in Recreational Therapy within Applied Health & Educational Psychology, College of Education...
Tim Prasil
author of "Help for the Haunted: A Decade of Vera Van Slyke Ghostly Mysteries (1899-1909)"
Tim Prasil's Help for the Haunted: A Decade of Vera Van Slyke Ghostly Mysteries (1899-1909) is available from Emby Press. He also writes audio drama, and his anthology Marvellous Boxes was produced and posted to the Web by The Decoder Ring Theatre...
Dennis Preston
co-editor of "Responses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes"
Dennis R. Preston is Regents Professor of Linguistics, Director of RODEO (Research on the Dialects of English in Oklahoma), and Co-Director of the Center for Oklahoma Studies, all at Oklahoma State University and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University...
Jerry Rackley
author of "Marketing Analytics Roadmap: Methods, Metrics, and Tools"
Jerry Rackley began his marketing career at IBM and since then has held product management, marketing, and marketing communications roles in various startup, emerging, and established software companies...
Ashish Ranjan
author of "Nanomedicinal Formulations for Theranostic Application"
Dr. Ranjan earned his BVSc degree (DVM equivalent) from Madras Veterinary College, in Chennai, India. He earned a Ph.D. in Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences from Virginia Tech...
Matthew Rutherford
author of "Strategic Bootstrapping"
Dr. Rutherford is Associate Professor and Johnny Pope Chair in Entrepreneurship at Oklahoma State University. Previously, Dr. Rutherford was Associate Professor of Management at Virginia Commonwealth University where he oversaw the entrepreneurship program...
Karin Schestokat
co-author of "Denk Mal! Deutsch ohne Grenzen, 2nd edition"
Karin Schestokat is a Professor of German at OSU, where she has been teaching German Language and Literature courses since 1996. She was awarded the title of German Teacher of the Year by the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German in 2002...
Allen Scott
Author of "Sourcebook for Research in Music"
Allen Scott is Professor of Music History and an Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ITLE) Faculty Teaching Fellow. In 2010-2011 he taught at the Musicology Institute of the University of Wrocław in Wrocław, Poland as a Fulbright scholar...
Louise Siddons
editor of "Between Reality and Imagination: The Works of Loraine Moore"
Louise Siddons is Associate Professor of Art History at Oklahoma State University. She received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2005 and worked as a curator and professor at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Michigan State University before coming to Oklahoma State in 2009...
Ronald Tyrl
co-author and editor of "Flora of Oklahoma -- Keys and Descriptions"
Ronald J. Tyrl is Professor Emeritus of Botany and former curator of the OSU Herbarium...
Matt Upson
author of "Information Now: A Graphic Guide to Student Research"
Matt Upson is the Director of Undergraduate Instruction and Outreach Services at Oklahoma State University's Edmon Low Library. He enjoys finding opportunities for innovative instruction and interaction with students, especially conversing about and using comics in the classroom...
Linda Watson
author and editor of "Flora of Oklahoma"
Dr. Linda Watson received her B.S. in Biological Sciences from Louisiana State University and her Ph.D. in Botany from University of Oklahoma. She was the rare plant botanist for the State of Oklahoma when she was employed by the Oklahoma Biological Survey...
Guoping Zhao
Author and Editor of "Re-envisioning Chinese Education: The Meaning of Person-Making in a New Age"
Dr. Guoping Zhao is an educational philosopher. Her primary areas of scholarship are philosophy of education, comparative philosophy, cross-cultural studies of education, and Chinese Education. She is a professor of Social Foundations at School of Educational Studies...