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Edmon Low Library

Episode 78: Summer Activities

Amplified Oklahoma Show Notes

June 16, 2023

Summer. The hottest months of the year mean different things to different people. For some, it means a time to relax and have fun in the sun as school ends. For others, it’s a time to work, whether in a full-time job or a summer internship. From those working hard to those hardly working, the months in the middle of the year can bring adventure and new learning experiences.

This month, we’re exploring some of the exciting and unique summer memories in our collections. From homemade instruments, to secret lessons, to falling in love, the interviewees you’ll hear from today have vivid memories from their days in the sun. We’ll also hear from John Seals about some of the exciting summer activities that go on here in Stillwater.

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Bethany Merino

Bethany Merino is from Carrollton, Texas, and is pursuing a double major in Strategic Communications and English. She is involved in the Advertising club and plays violin in the OSU Symphony Orchestra. Bethany enjoys working for OOHRP because she loves storytelling and helping the amazing stories from OOHRP's collections reach a wider audience.