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Episode 77: Oklahoma 2018 Education Walkouts

Amplified Oklahoma Show Notes

May 15, 2023

Four states. 300 districts. 60,000 outraged educators.

In the year 2018, classrooms across the country went silent in the middle of the Spring semester as teachers across the country staged a walkout. Between the months of February and May, educators in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona and Colorado left their classrooms to fight for better funding and pay. Though united in their desire for change, each teacher brought their own unique experience of the joys and hardships of educating future generations. Today we’ll hear seven Oklahoma teachers tell their stories from the Oklahoma 2018 Education Walkouts oral history project, as well as from the project coordinator Dr. Erin Dyke.

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Bethany Merino

Bethany Merino is from Carrollton, Texas, and is pursuing a double major in Strategic Communications and English. She is involved in the Advertising club and plays violin in the OSU Symphony Orchestra. Bethany enjoys working for OOHRP because she loves storytelling and helping the amazing stories from OOHRP's collections reach a wider audience.