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Edmon Low Library

Episode 76: Remebering Henry Bellmon

Amplified Oklahoma Show Notes

April 21, 2023

If you’ve taken a stroll on the OSU campus, you may have passed by the Henry Bellmon Research Center on Monroe Street. Perhaps you admired the sculptures out front. If you’re a student, you may have even had a class there. But how familiar are you with the man the building was named after? Henry Bellmon has been distinguished in Oklahoma History for being the state’s first Republican governor, as well as having served in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. While he is applauded for many of his political accolades, those close to him also saw him in other ways, such as a farmer, a father figure, and a champion power napper.

Today, we’re delving into our oral history collection titled “Remembering Henry Bellmon” to get to know the man who holds an honored place in Oklahoma history. We’ll hear from family members, staff, coworkers and friends. We’ll also hear from OSU political science professor Dr. Seth Mckee as he discusses how Oklahoma politics have changed since Bellmon’s time.

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Bethany Merino

Bethany Merino is from Carrollton, Texas, and is pursuing a double major in Strategic Communications and English. She is involved in the Advertising club and plays violin in the OSU Symphony Orchestra. Bethany enjoys working for OOHRP because she loves storytelling and helping the amazing stories from OOHRP's collections reach a wider audience.