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Edmon Low Library

Episode 65: Defining an Oklahoma Author

Amplified Oklahoma Show Notes

January 21, 2022

Oklahoma has always had a rich history of artists and writers. But what does it mean to be an Oklahoma author? Is it being born here, or having family here, or maybe writing about Oklahoma in their work? This month, we’re exploring what it means to be an Oklahoma author by highlighting interviews from our Deep Roots: Oklahoma Authors project. We’ll hear from authors as they describe their work and connection to Oklahoma, and later we’ll hear from Doctor Emily Blackshear as she discusses what an Oklahoma author looks like and how authors tell the truth about the places they live.

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Noah Brisendine

Noah Brisendine is a Senior at Oklahoma State University and is studying both History and Political Science. He is also pursuing a minor in Law and Legal Studies. In his position he creates podcasts highlighting stories about Oklahoma using the Oral History Collections. He was a Community Mentor on campus at the Commons and is involved with OSQ&A. After graduation Noah's goal is to find a way to help his community regardless of the job either as a historian or as a social worker.