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Edmon Low Library

Episode 40: Gay Bravery

Amplified Oklahoma Show Notes

August 16, 2019

With the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in 2019, we are looking back at Oklahoma's own LGBT history. From the smallest personal victory to forcing administrative change through collective action, gay history is inextricably tied to a drive to improve the world we live in. In this episode of Amplified Oklahoma, we’re highlighting the bravery, perseverance, and actions of OSU alumni, staff, and faculty from the OSU Diverse Sexuality and Gender Oral History Project and the moments that shaped their lives, worldviews, and communities. We'll hear stories of understanding the AIDS crisis to some of the first pride marches in the state, and how gay activism continues to change the LGBT experience in Oklahoma.

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Angus Henderson

Angus Henderson is a recent graduate of Oklahoma State University's Art History undergraduate program with an emphasis on LGBT Visual Culture. He has presented on the history of drag performance, trans identity, and camp humor at OSU, as well as on homoeroticism in early 20th century ad design. He interned at the OOHRP from Fall 2018 - Summer 2019, researching LGBT culture and history on campus. His illustrations and woodcut prints on transgender identity in art since ancient times have been accepted into juried art shows in California, Arizona, and Oklahoma.