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Megan Ruby

Editor of "Making a Spectacle: Examining Curriculum/Pedagogy as Recovery from Political Trauma"

January 15, 2021

Megan Ruby is an advanced doctoral student in Curriculum Studies at Oklahoma State University (OSU) and identifies as non-binary. Megan’s research interests include critical whiteness studies, critical race theory, feminist pedagogy, and gender and education. They have presented at numerous national and international conferences, and their work is featured in the co-edited book Making a Spectacle: Examining Curriculum/Pedagogy as Recovery from Political Trauma as an editor and author and as an author in the book Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education. They are currently working on their dissertation, which explores how the constructs of Niceness frustrate white educators, mainly white women, from engaging in anti-racist pedagogy in the classroom.

Megan also has experience in Professional Education as a graduate research assistant since 2018. They worked as a co-researcher on an oral history project interviewing and archiving data on the 2018 Oklahoma Teacher Walkouts. Megan is also the current treasurer of the Graduate and Professional Student Government Association for the 2020-2021 academic year. Megan has served on multiple committees at OSU including ones about recruitment, retention, social justice, and professional education advocacy team or PEAT. Megan also volunteers her time helping fellow graduate students navigate the system in applying for funding, research jobs, and creating meeting groups to discuss course work beyond the classroom.


Last Updated: 22 February 2021