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Jeretta Nord

author of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit: American Indian Women Entrepreneurs' Edition and co-author of MBA Preferred: Celebrating 50 Years

February 4, 2012

Jeretta Horn Nord is a professor, an author and an entrepreneur. Dr. Nord is a professor in the department of Management Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. She is the Founder and CEO of Entrepreneur Enterprises, LLC, and Founder of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit book series. .

Jeretta has appeared on FOX Business and FOX Strategy Room. She has hosted two radio talk shows titled Empowering Entrepreneurs on Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio and The Entrepreneurial Mind on Web Talk Radio and has been a guest on numerous radio shows including CBS Radio.

Nord recently served as a Fulbright Specialists Scholar in Europe and has spent time as a visiting scholar at UCLA and the University of Southern Queensland in Australia. Dr. Nord founded the Oklahoma State University chapter of the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization and recently founded the Oklahoma State University chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW).

Jeretta conducts research in the areas of technology and entrepreneurship. She has served as the associate dean for the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University, and is currently executive editor of The Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Dr. Nord received the distinction of 50 Making a Difference in 2011 from The Journal Record and the Special Recognition Award from the Association of Continuing Higher Education. Jeretta was honored in 2008 with a Distinguished Alumnus Award at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. In 2009, she was awarded a Fulbright Senior Specialists Grant by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Department of State (ECA), and the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES).

Jeretta was awarded the Merrick Foundation Teaching Award for bringing free enterprise into the classroom, was honored as the MBA Faculty of the Year in 2011 at Oklahoma State University and received the Greiner Undergraduate Teaching Award in 2007 for excellence in instruction.

Dr. Nord has presented papers at international conferences in twenty countries and is the author of numerous articles and an academic textbook.

Jeretta has provided micro financing to underprivileged entrepreneurs through and donated A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit books to disabled veteran entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs in Rwanda and Afghanistan (Peace through Business Program), teachers of entrepreneurship and students aspiring to be entrepreneurs.

She enjoys traveling and learning more about the lives of entrepreneurs.

A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit American Indian Women Entrepreneurs' Edition features American Indian Women Entrepreneurs' true short stories written to inspire, energize and teach the reader. The stories include adversities, challenges, triumphs, and successes experienced by the entrepreneur to help readers discover passion and basic principles they can use to live the entrepreneurial dream. Touching both the heart and the head, these stories provide the opportunity to hear directly from American Indian Women who have overcome obstacles to enjoy success and self-confidence.

MBA Preferred features profiles of distinguished Oklahoma State University alumni who are graduates of the Master of Business Administration program over the past 50 years. Each story includes adversities, challenges, successes and advice from the honored MBA Alumnus. MBA Preferred will provide the reader with inspiration, education, and an understanding of the importance of an MBA--a highly coveted graduate degree--in providing diverse career options.


Last Updated: 12 January 2022