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Edmon Low Library

Eric Reitan

co-author of God's Final Victory: A Comparative Philosophical Case for Universalism

February 4, 2012

Eric Reitan, a Professor of Philosophy at Oklahoma State University, specializes in ethics, nonviolence theory, and the philosophy of religion. In addition to his numerous scholarly articles in such journals as Social Theory & Practice, The Journal of Moral Philosophy, Hypatia, Religious Studies, and Faith & Philosophy, he seeks to make philosophical thinking accessible and relevant to a broader public, with articles appearing in such magazines as Free Inquiry, Religious Studies, and The Humanist. His first book, IS GOD A DELUSION? (Wiley-Blackwell) was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2009.

GOD'S FINAL VICTORY, by John Kronen and Eric Reitan, systematically challenges the traditional Christian doctrine of hell, arguing that from a philosophical standpoint a doctrine of universal salvation fits better with broader Christian teachings. After reviewing various species of the doctrines of hell and universalism and arguing that appeals to Scripture neither can nor should settle Christian debate concerning which doctrine is preferable, the book argues that for every version of the doctrine of hell that has been seriously proposed by theologians, there is a version of universalism that is more philosophically defensible within a context of essentially conservative Christian assumptions.


Last Updated: 13 March 2023