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Jeretta Horn Nord

editor of A Cup of Cappucino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit

November 4, 2015

Jeretta Horn Nord is the founder and CEO of Entrepreneur Enterprises, LLC, founder of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit book series and a professor in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. Nord recently served as a Fulbright Specialists Scholar in Europe and has spent time as a Visiting Scholar at UCLA and the University of Southern Queensland in Australia. Dr. Nord has served as Associate Dean for the Spears School of Business at OSU and is currently Executive Editor of the Journal of Computer Information Systems. Jeretta has spoken at international conferences in 15 countries and is the author of numerous articles and a textbook.

A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit Women Entrepreneurs' Edition, features women entrepreneurs' true short stories written to inspire, energize and teach the reader. The stories include adversities, challenges, triumphs and successes experienced by the entrepreneur to help readers discover passion and basic principles they can use to live the entrepreneurial dream. Touching both the heart and the head, these stories provide inspiration and education.


Last Updated: 14 January 2022