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Brenda Phillips

editor of Women and Disasters: From Theory to Practice

November 4, 2015

Brenda D. Phillips, Ph.D. is a Senior Researcher with the Center for the Study of Disasters and Extreme Events and is a Full Professor in the Fire and Emergency Management Program, Department of Political Science, at Oklahoma State University where she teaches courses in emergency management, social vulnerability and community relations.

Her work on vulnerable populations has been funded multiple times by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Geological Survey and others. Dr. Phillips has given invited presentations to the U.S. National Weather Service, the U.S. National Academies of Science, the New Zealand Ministries of Civil Defence and of Health, and the Australian Emergency Management Institute among others. Her work has been published in numerous scholarly journals, refereed proceedings and books and has been posted on the FEMA Higher Education web site. She is the author of Disaster Recovery (to be published in May 2009), the lead editor of Social Vulnerability to Disaster (August 2009) and co-editor of Women and Disasters (2008).

Women and Disasters presents a collection of perspectives by top experts in the field of disasters and gender. Chapters range from the application of feminist theories to disaster issues including housing, gender and age discrimination, mental health, domestic violence and grass roots participation. Authors include both academics and practitioners collaborating to reduce the differential impacts of disasters on women and children.


Last Updated: 14 January 2022