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Phil Choo

graphic designer of Graduate Studies in Design, Merchandising & Housing at OSU

November 4, 2015

Assistant professor and graphic designer Phil Choo teaches graphic design courses in the OSU Department of Art. Choo earned his MFA from Iowa State University and was an assistant professor in graphic design at the University of Minnesota for three years before joining OSU in 2005. Choo's designs and photography have been nationally and internationally awarded and exhibited. His clients include Korean Society of Interior Architects/Designers, Asia Interior Design Institute Association, Iowa Department of Transportation and OSU Departments of Art. He is currently designing websites for the OSU Department of Art and the OSU Institute for Protective Apparel Research and Technology. Choo works with typography and interactive media to create visual communication through print design, web-based design and CD-ROM design.

The DHM brochure was designed to promote the graduate program in the department of Design, Housing, Merchandising at Oklahoma State University and was awarded in the Art Design Institute (ADI) Award of China Academy of Art. The brochure will be published in the ADI AWARD: Graphic Design Annual Vol.1 and will be exhibited in April 2008.


Last Updated: 9 December 2015