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Undergrad Library Research Award launches at OSU
Now taking applications to receive $1,500 and $750 prizes
September 22, 2014
The OSU Library is now accepting applications for a new Undergraduates Library Research Award. The winners of underclassmen and upperclassmen categories will be awarded $1,500, and honorable mentions will receive $750.
Applications, which include a 750 word reflective essay, a faculty reference form, the research project and its bibliography and a scanned official transcript, are due Nov. 3, at 5 p.m. at http://bit.ly/applyULRA.
The Undergraduate Library Research Award emphasizes student reflection on the library research process and the connection between excellent research skills and an exceptional final research project.
Matt Upson, director of library undergraduate services, launched the award at Oklahoma State University.
"The award provides an incentive for students to consciously engage with Library resources and demonstrates the Library's commitment to supporting student research in a tangible way," Upson said. "I hope regardless of where students end up in the final standings, they will learn something about their own research style and learn about resources that will be useful to them as a student and as a professional."
Upson is hosting several workshops to help students develop a research process.
"The workshops are open for anyone to come in and find out how to perform Library research, but they're also geared toward helping students interested in applying for the award," Upson said.
Upson stressed that library research is something all undergraduates are performing in their coursework.
"I want students to realize that when we say library research we are talking about any search for information," Upson said. "If it involves any type of investigating, it could be considered research and it's eligible for the award."
Faculty can offer support by submitting student recommendation forms as well as joining librarians in judging applications and continuing to develop the award.
For more information, contact Matt Upson at matthew.upson@okstate.edu or visit Bit.ly/2014ulra
Story by Kristin Underwood, OSU Library Communications Intern
URL: https://library.okstate.edu/news/archived-news/fall-2014/undergrad-library-research-award-launches
Last Updated: 7 September 2018