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Centennial Farm Families
Welcome to the Oklahoma Centennial Farm Families Oral History Project!
Farms have and continue to play an important role in Oklahoma history beginning even before the Land Runs. Over 1000 farms have been designated as Oklahoma Centennial Farms and Ranches, meaning the farm has been owned and operated by the same family for at least 100 years. This ongoing oral history project aims to spotlight these farm families who remain connected to the land and to document part of the agricultural history of the state. This website includes transcripts, audio, and photographs collected as a result of interview efforts. The Oklahoma Oral History Research Program at the OSU Library invites you to explore this website and meet the families of early farm pioneers as they continue to care for the land they proudly call home.
Check back often as new interviews are added!About the Collection
The Oklahoma Centennial Farm Families oral history project features interviews with family farm owners and operators who have been involved in the farming and ranching business in Oklahoma for 100 years or more and have been designated as an "Oklahoma Centennial Farm or Ranch" by the Oklahoma History Society. To qualify for the program, (1) the family must have occupied the land for at least 100 years, (b) it must be a working farm or ranch of at least 40 acres, (3) it must have $1,000 in annual sales, and (4) it must be operated by or lived on by a family member, or be leased by a family member.
The Oklahoma Centennial Farm and Ranch Program was established in March of 1989 by Governor Henry Bellmon and is co-sponsored by the Oklahoma Historical Society and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture. Since 1989 over 1000 farms and ranches have received designation.
Farm and ranch families have and continue to play a vital role in Oklahoma. By recording their stories, the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program at the OSU Library continues to fill gaps in primary source documents concerning century old farms in Oklahoma. The project also provides a venue for increasing awareness of the importance of farms in Oklahoma by collecting, preserving, and making information about them accessible to scholars, researchers, and other interested persons.
This project is sponsored in part by a generous gift from the Roy and Marian Holleman Foundation.
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Oklahoma Oral History Research Program207 Edmon Low Library
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: 405-744-7685
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