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Beckie Bigler
Co-Author and Editor of "Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, 3rd Edition"
February 6, 2023
Beckie Bigler has been an editor at FPP since 2017. She has a doctorate in Spanish and has taught Spanish and English as a second language to students in the U.S. and abroad. Beckie is an avid researcher, enthusiastic collaborator, and lifelong learner. In addition to time shared with family and friends, she loves to travel, explore the outdoors, and collaborate with her photographer husband on family history books. Beckie has collaborated on several FPP publications to date, including Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighting, Third Edition; Fire and Life Safety Educator, Fourth Edition; and Public Information Officer, Second Edition. In addition to her work as Lead Editor for the IFSTA manual, Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, Ninth Edition, Beckie is the copy editor for the International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management.
IFSTA’s Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, 3rd Edition prepares the reader to serve as the Incident Commander who must evaluate an incident, assign resources and coordinate the incident plan. This new edition encompasses decision-making during emergency response, especially initial decisions upon arrival, and incident planning. The purpose of this manual is to provide the initial Incident Commander with the strategic and tactical concepts that can be applied to various situations using available resources. This manual meets the requirements of the Fire and Emergency Services for Higher Education (FESHE) course outcome and outlines for the associates level, noncore course, Strategy and Tactics. This manual broadens the knowledge applicable to the emergency response requirements included in NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.
URL: https://library.okstate.edu/news/celebratingbooks/2023-honorees/beckie-bigler
Last Updated: 8 February 2023