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Oklahoma State University Libraries
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Event Room
The Event Room, (Room 109H, located on the west side of the first floor,) is available on a limited basis for special functions that support the University's mission. The room will be available for groups smaller than 35 for lecture seating or 25 for table and chair seating. If your request is for more than 35 guests, please request Peggy Helmerich Browsing Room.
- Room is available during business hours.
- Room is not available during Dead Week or Finals Week.
- There will be no charge for OSU-affiliated groups
- Approval or denial of requests will follow established university library policies.
Responsibility of the Users
- Submit request using the form provided no less than 2 weeks prior to the event date.
- Arrangement of provided tables and chairs will be the responsibility of the booking group.
- At the conclusion of your event, the room will need to be in pristine condition.
- Currently, food and drinks are discouraged. Provide food or drink only if it has been requested and approved in writing and complies with university policies.
- Accept responsibility for any injuries to persons or damages to the facility, including damage to the laptop/smartboard, and any necessary cleaning.
- Remove all items brought in no more than fifteen minutes after the published end of the event. This includes all trash, catering items or event collateral. Dumpster is located outside on the northwest side of the library.
Failure to Carry Out Responsibilities
Any individual or group failing to carry out these responsibilities may be denied further use of the event room and may incur charges related to damages or staff time.
Please note: reservations are not finalized until you receive approval from Hazel Caldwell.
Hazel Caldwell216 Edmon Low Library
Oklahoma State University