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ETL Services
For Faculty
- Provide course related orientation to the ETL and the resources available
- Create course-specific LibGuides (for example):
- Research topics and gather materials for use in class or workshop
- Instruct classes in use of specialized materials and databases
- Collaborate with faculty on their research projects and aid in developing data management plans
- Place class-related materials on reserve
- Compile brief bibliographies
- Notify faculty when new books are received
For Staff
- Provide access to educational materials and children's books
- Assist with research needs
- Borrow materials for you from another library
For Students
- Provide access to educational materials and children's books
- Assist in finding resources for your research (i.e. books and articles on a particular topic)
- Borrow materials for you from another library
For Community
- Provide access to educational materials and children's books (check out time is two weeks)
- Assist in finding materials appropriate for your needs or your child